Saturday, February 27, 2010

Making Money Online with Internet Marketing

Recently I have been trying to start an online business and Make a little bit of extra income with Internet marketing because I am only part time at Disneyland and during the slow months I don't really get that many hours and it makes it hard to have enough money for rent and bills and I don't want to have to struggle to pay my bills. I would like to have financial freedom where I don't worry about if I will have enough money for my rent or my cable bill or my phone bill or the other bills including money to eat.

So around the time that I moved into my new apartment closer to work at Disneyland I decided to start my online business. This part is a story for another post but short version is I got myself into some debt trying to get started.

Then I came across the free DVD from Lee McIntyre for his 2 day Inside Out Upside Down Manchester Workshop. Since I already knew it would be full of some great value I decided to get it sent right away since the shipping was only $6.95 something that I could easily afford. I also was given the 14 day trial to the Point and Click Coaching Program. I just could not give it up even when I knew that I would barely have enough money to pay my bills. So this is the main purpose of this post, I haven't made any affiliate sales yet but I have been doing lots of research and learning and getting as many of the free reports from many of the blogs that he listed as high traffic blogs to go comment on to drive traffic.

But I was looking at my google analytics account and I saw that I was actually getting Organic traffic from google and I wanted to find out what page on google it was on so I looked in my analytics at which keywords it ranked for and then I did the search on google.

I could not believe that my little review blog had been ranked on the second page of Google for the keyword point and click coaching. I did write about 5 articles linking back to it on ezine articles and I had submitted to some blog carnivals but I have just received my first acceptance to a blog carnival and I was happy about that as well.

I still have yet to make my first affiliate sale and it looks like I might need to continue to work on driving traffic.

I was just getting ready to try to start implementing the list building process that Jit Uppal and Adam Spiel have create some free training videos on.

Also I was starting to think that I might not want to use Article marketing but then I do love to write. My main reason was I wasn't sure if I was doing my keyword research correctly. But I think I might keep working at it.

I look forward to getting to the point where I finally am able to create my own information products and sell those to give me the financial freedom that I dream of so I can eliminate my debt and buy my dream home and live the life of my dreams.

Read my Point and Click Coaching Review for more information OR if your ready to order today go to the offer Below

Click banner below for Lee McIntyre's Free DVD offer (While Supplies Hurry)

Free Lee McIntyre 2 Day Workshop DVD

1 comment:

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