Thursday, October 18, 2007


Do you ever remember your dreams? Some days when I wake up I will remember the last dream I had before I was woken up from my sleep or if I just wake up. Sometimes a noise will wake me out of my sleep and end the dream. I think its interesting to keep a dream journal. I think I will work harder on writing down as many of my dreams that I remember as I can. I was just thinking about how some of my dreams see so impossible and they would make good story plots. I wanna become a writer and I am looking for inspiration. Last night or that would be early the next morning I was having a dream about one of my cats and she was running into this restaurant. Something that I find very interesting about dreams is that they seem so complex and so detailed and yet when I try to write them down I find that I have trouble trying to describe them exactly as I experienced them. Do you ever have a dream where when you wake up you have a strong feeling left over from the dream? Have you ever had a dream where you know the person in the dream is you yet it looks nothing like you at all? Have you ever had a dream about something that never wanna experience or like its something so wrong that would never ever happen and you wonder why in the hell you could be dreaming about that??? And if you think about it the most weird part about it is the dreams you do have happen very quickly yet when you experience it it feels longer. I mean think about it, technically your unconscious because you are sleeping yet you can still experience different feelings and they feel so real. Speaking of dreams I am going to go now and try to have some. Goodnight!


Monday, October 1, 2007

My Slideshow


I work at KOHLS now

I got a new job working at KOHLS. I got hired for the adset team and I work overnight from about 6 or 7 pm till 2am. I am hoping to get extra hours and learn to work in other departments. I also wanna learn all the departments so that I can become a manager in the store but I wanna be a night manager. I need to get as many hours as I can so I can save up money to help Tika with rent on an apartment. Well I gotta get off here right now so I will write more later.
