Monday, March 31, 2008

My Secret to being a Healthier Me!

I was introduced to the "Secret" while I was working for a real nice lady and I may have written about that job in one of my blogs. I don't remember if I wrote my job history in this particular blog but I will find that entry from where ever I have it and post it in here and add to it. Anyways this friend and co-worker told me I had to read this book called The Secret and she had just got a copy of the DVD and went to a showing of the DVD with a friend of hers. So that is how I was introduced to the Secret that is becoming very popular around the world. So let me start from the beginning. I was always a little bit pudgy but never really too much over weight when I was younger. When I went off to college and stopped really caring about what I ate and wasn't very active at all I started putting on weight little by little. Eventually I was up to almost 180 and that is considered a lot for a small girl of 5'4. I realized I was kinda up there in weight and I went to see a trainer and he told me I needed to loose 40lbs to get into a healthy weight range. Well I wasn't very motivated and didn't try very hard. I started out limiting the amount I ate and not eating as much of the junk I had been eating. I didn't get really strict at this point and I wasn't very motivated just yet. I didn't really get started on my journey until my girlfriend moved in with me and started wanting to loose weight herself and get into better shape. So we joined a gym. Also at one point my parents started on the Atkins diet which was also a bit of motivator for me as well. I started getting motivated to watch how many calories I ate. I learned that the more you burn and less you consume causes you to loose weight. Also at one point me and my girlfriend saw one of those exercise video infomercials and ended up buying the Turbo Jam workout. It came with a 10 day meal plan and I used it as a guide to help plan out some things to eat that would give me a balanced diet and then I did the work out tapes. I also went to the gym as well. Later when I learned about the secret I started using that to also help me reach my goals by always knowing that I was going to weigh less or have a goal to fit into the next pant size down and know that I could do it by the next time I went to buy new clothes and it worked. So far I have not gone up over 125lbs and I intend to keep my weight below that amount for the rest of my life using the secret and also by making healthy choices so I can be a healthier me. I just wanted to share my story and hope I can be an inspiration for others to reach their weight goals and feel happy and healthy.
